This article is an attempt to understand the significance of the song "ekdantaya vakratundaya gauri tanaya" sung by Tulsidas Ji. The article does not cover all the salient features of the song but it tries to highlight some important aspects which are worth appreciating. Tulsidas Ji has been venerated as a saint by Hindus worldwide, and his work "Chandi ki Var Pehal Rain Thar Jina" is one of his most popular works. This article focuses on how this song was taken from scripture and adapted for Bollywood films such as Lage Raho Munna Bhai and Ghulam, Chupke Se. The article also tries to understand Tulsidas Ji's connection with the film industry. The article is not meant to criticize Bollywood films, but it attempts to highlight the fact that the songs are based on scriptures. Perhaps it may be appropriate here to introduce Tulsidas Ji, popularly known as the author of "Ramcharitmanas" or "Ramayana". The name "Tulsidas" means "twin". Tulsidas was born in 15th century in Kashi (Benares). He was married off at a very young age to a girl named Sita, who was originally his second wife. She played an important role in his writing works. He was well-versed in the Sanskrit language and literature. He was a sanyasi, who used to give up material pleasures, but his wife Sita convinced him to take up the household responsibilities so that she could pursue her religious beliefs without any hindrances. He has been glorified by many renowned personalities all over the country. Swami Vivekananda Ji appreciated Tulsi's works, by addressing him as "Updesh Bhakta" or "the godly saint who provided solace to devotees". Some of his works are available in the form of books, published by Bharat Bhawan, Varanasi. He was also the author of "Ramcharitmanas". His birthday is celebrated as Guru Purnima, which is the birth day of Adi Shankaracharya. Many people describe him as a social reformer and religious leader. He found his only opportunity to propagate his work in Benaras, where he used to go for writing works. He used to go with a bundle of books. He used to sit on the banks of river Ganges and started reading the sacred texts of Hinduism. A huge crowd would gather around him and listen to his sermons, which he would extemporaneously deliver by chanting the holy verses from the sacred texts. This was his only medium for propagating and distributing of his sacred books. "Chandi ki Var Pehal Rain Thar Jina" is one of Tulsidas Ji's popular works. It can be found in the form of book only. The book has been translated into more than 30 languages, and it is more than four lakhs. Tulsidas Ji had used his own experiences in this work, which is based on stories from "Ramayana". This work contains more than 10,000 couplets, spread over about 300 pages of the book. The story that revolves around Tulsi is: This song was composed by Jagjit Singh and its lyrics were penned by Anand Bakshi.
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